Selva Maya
begins here...
Akumal Bike Tour
To The Santa Cruz

Alter a 20 minute bike ride
departing from Akumal, you’ll
arrive to the Santa Cruz Ranch.
Once there you will be guided
through an underground cavern.
This partially flooded passage is
decorated with myriads of
speleothems (stalactites &
This underground river leads to a
magnificent cenote (sinkhole)
where you can swing, swim and
play. As seen on
Yucatan DVD!

What to bring:  
  • Swim suit.
  • T-shirt
  • Waterproof camera
  • Sport sandals

Duration: 3 ½ hrs
Schedule: two tours, morning and

Please, pay only after you had
previously scheduled
a service.

There are no refunds for no

Thank you
Akumal Bike tour
©2009 conoce akumal s.a. de c.v.
Bike Tour
Price: $40.00usd
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